A: My name is Lindsay Quintal and I currently live in Calgary, a little/big city next to the Rocky Mountains in Western Canada. My husband Maxime is from Montreal, and we have a divine daughter named Ella, who was born on Vancouver Island, and is just about 4 now. She is our greatest love.
I am a Manifesting Generator, Sagittarius Sun and Rising, and Aquarius Moon. Perhaps the greatest factor in who I am today is owed to my yoga practice, which began nearly 20 years ago, and is now centered on kundalini. As I reflect on my life, I see that one of my deepest desires was to understand who I am. What am I here for, and how can I awaken my gifts.
I have had a magnetic pull towards eating, healing and living in a natural way since I can remember. I love cooking, travel, and always have LOVED fashion and beautiful, tangible things. I excel in my solitude, where I place great importance on my own state of well-being. A privilege I have not always had, but now, am thankful to. And finally, to know me is to know that I love to both go deep and stay light, I love love love olives, and I will never be found without a multitude of drinks on the go, and mantra playing on my phone.
Cabane began in 2022 once I decided to pursue a dream that had long been orbiting me. I started setting garments and special items aside months before my pregnancy, as I started to vision and build an energetic alter of sorts for this little love that I could feel was coming.
When I finally became pregnant, I began attuning to the environment that would be the most soothing and supportive for my bébé-to-be. My heart was very clear in guiding me towards building a natural closet for her. I was looking for pure organic clothing that was undyed (no poly or spandex), with few details, unisex for longevity, and no unnecessary details or tight waist bands that may restrict her (to name a few). I could not find a local source that was in complete alignment.
So, following a phone call to a dear friend who was in the industry, I decided, this was it! I was not going to deny my heart any longer. I would create a childrenswear line that prioritized those very special qualities I was seeking for my own daughter. It would be a place for me to share my creativity, and make something that I felt the children coming into this world would feel at home in.
Q: Do you have a consistent daily am and/or pm routine? What are they?
A: I love early mornings, ideally waking around 500 to practice yoga, meditate, or to complete any creative work or emails that are outstanding. I make my daughter crêpes with vanilla and nutmeg every morning and always set our day with a mantra of choice. In my evenings, I work on my business or do personal self-inquiry work, such as To Be Magnetic. I finish my nights with a tea or two, time on my PEMF mat and 20 minutes with my red light face mask. These rituals are so cherished and serve me to keep up with my high-energy days.
After having my daughter, my routine has become less predictable, but I always find a way to incorporate most of these favorites at some point in my day.
Q: How does the natural world support your modern life?
A: The natural world has guided me in setting the tone, the very culture, of our family. Being a double Sagittarius, I am inherently interested in the natural laws of our universe. I was raised by a mother who showed me how to experience health through the food I ate, and through techniques that then (in the mid-late 80’s) were rare. I remember feeling so proud at a young age that we did not eat sugar before we were two. And recently, my sister recounted how our mother would determine the amount of iodine she needed for the day using a pendulum. Personally, I find great joy in the process of taking what some perceive as the long way, looking away from the conveniences of our modern world, and instead, turning to the natural tools that those who have come before us used to enliven the body into self-healing. My wish is that everyone finds the health and healing path that resonates specifically with them. For me, it is through yoga, the plant kingdom, adaptogens, homeopathics, light and sound.
Q: Are there any particular foods or botanicals that align with your personal self-care practice?
A: Oh yes! Living Libations by Nadine Artemis has positively increased the quality of my life. My essentials from her are the Seabuckthorn & Rose Best Skin Ever, Neroli All Over Lotion and her Rose Underarm Charm. I have recently introduced The Fullest’s Warm Feelings and Kinder Thoughts into my life and wow, I have noticed a supreme return to my body following a time of frequent ungroundedness and feelings of anxiety. I cycle through all of Moon Juice’s cellular waters, but could not live without Ting. I am rather simple but dependent with my essential oils, loving a high-grade Lavender or Peppermint or a Japanese Mint oil which I apply directly to my neck or wrists. My ‘tea' drawer is full, with some of my favorites being a yoga chai, turmeric tonic, or an iced lemon verbena or fresh mint infusion I could go on!